Sunday, May 10.


18:00-20:00 Registration (Venue: the lobby of The Belmont Hotel)




Monday, May 11.


(Venue: Attenborough Tower Basement, University Film Theatre)


9:10-10:10  Registration.


10:10-10:20 Introduction & welcome address.


10:20-11:10  Plenary talk 1. John King: Mathematical modelling of tissue growth.


11:10-12:00  Plenary talk 2. Georgy Karev: Replicator equations and the principle of minimal production of information.


12:00-13:00 Lunch break


13:00-15:00 Contributed talks, Session 1 (Chair: Alexander Gorban).


     13:00-13:30 Vitaly Volpert. Particle dynamics modelling of cell populations.


     13:30-14:00 Dmitrii Logofet. Potential-growth indicator theorem: a non-statistical tool to tackle reproductive uncertainty.


     14:00-14:30 Lars Rudolf. Determinants of food-web stability.


     14:30-15:00 Beatriz Stransky. Modeling the in vitro population dynamics of epithelial cells.


15:00-15:30 Coffee break


15:30-16:30 Honorary lecture. David Rand: Invasion using microcorrelations in spatial and network games



17:00-19:00 Poster session & reception

                   (Venue: Michael Atiyah Building, room 119)





Tuesday, May 12


(Venue: Bennett, Lower Ground Floor, Lecture Theatre 3)


9:00-9:50  Plenary talk 3. Alan Hastings: The essential role of time and space in ecological understanding.


9:50-10:40  Plenary talk 4. Daniel Grunbaum: Towards a unified perspective on the mechanics of social animal groups.


10:40-11:00 Coffee break


11:00-13:00 Contributed talks, Session 2 (Chair: Horst Malchow).


     11:00-11:30 Nanako Shigesada. How do directed movements of animals towards favorable habitats influence the spreading speed in a periodic patchy environment.


     11:30-12:00 Weide Li. A cellular automaton model for two competitive populations with Allee effect and overcrowding effect.


     12:00-12:30 Alla Mashanova. Density or perception of density? The effect of density-dependent dispersal on aphid population dynamics.


     12:30-13:00 Hiromi Seno. A time-discrete model for the epidemic population dynamics.


13:00-14:00 Lunch break


14:00-14:50 Plenary talk 5. Ezio Venturino: Ecoepidemiology as a more realistic description of populations’ interactions.


14:50-15:15 Coffee break


15:15-17:15 Contributed talks, Session 3 (Chair: Vitaly Vopert).


     15:15-15:45 Horst Malchow. Self-organization in models of predating, competing and diffusing populations.


     15:45-16:15 Igor Sazonov. Travelling waves in a lattice of SIR nodes in approximation of small coupling.


     16:15-16:45 Alexei Ryabov. Coevolutionary motion in a niche space model of ecological species interactions.


     16:45-17:15 Michael Sadovsky. Non-diffusive migration modelling with global and local information access.





Wednesday, May 13


(Venue: Attenborough Tower Basement, Lecture Theatre 3)


9:00-9:50 Plenary talk 6. Faina Berezovskaya: Dynamic domains in 3D and 4D community models with prey dispersal and strong Allee effect.


9:50-10:40 Plenary talk 7. Anatoly Neishtadt: Adiabatic invariants.


10:40-11:00 Coffee break


11:00-12:30 Contributed talks, Session 4 (Chair: Dmitrii Logofet).


     11:00-11:30 Rachel Bearon. Individual to population models of swimming micro-organisms in fluid flow.


     11:30-12:00 Nicola Lloyd. Comparing viral infection and predation as controls of harmful algal blooms.


     12:00-12:30 Andrew Morozov. Influence of spatial heterogeneity on the type of zooplankton functional response: field studies and mathematical modelling


12:30-13:30 Lunch break


13:30-15:00 Contributed talks, Session 5 (Chair: Hiromi Seno).


     13:30-14:00 Terezie Stachova. The effect of plant species diversity on community productivity: a competition model.


     14:00-14:30 Nikolay Zavalishin. Modelling travelling waves and spatial patterns in exploited food chains of a resource-consumer type.


     14:30-15:00 Malay Banerjee. Spatial pattern formation in ratio-dependent model: moment-based analysis.




15:00-15:05  Closure & farewell.