Research Papers

Dietrich Notbohm

Research Papers

A vectorbundle over Davis-Januczkiewicz spaces and colorings of simplicial complexes , preprint
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Depth and homology decompositions , preprint
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Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein complexes from a topological point of view, preprint
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Homology decompositions for p-compact groups to appear in Advances Math., (with N. Castellana and R. Levi)
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On Davis Januszkiewicz homotopy types I; formality and rationalisation, AGT 5 (2005), 31-51, (with N. Ray)
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Finite loop spaces are manifolds , Acta Math. 192 (2004), 5-31, (with T. Bauer, N. Kitchloo and E. Pedersen)
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On the 2-compact group DI(4), J. reine und angew. Mathematik 555 ((2003), 163-185
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A uniqueness result for orthogonal groups as 2-compact groups, Arch. der Math. 78 (2002), 110-119
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Homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups associated to modular representations, J. London Math. Soc. 64 (2001), 472-488
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Unstable splittings of classifying spaces of p-compact groups, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 51 (2000), 237-266
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The finiteness obstruction for loop spaces, Math. Comm. Helv. 74 (1999), 657-670
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Spaces with polynomial cohomology, Proc. Math. Soc. Cambridge 126 (1999), 277-292
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For which pseudo reflection groups are the p-adic polynomial invariants again a polynomial algebra, J. Algebra 214 (1999), 553-570, Errata: J. Algebra 218 (1999), 286-287
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The genera of products of quaternionic projective spaces, J. Math. Soc. Japan 24 (1999), 45-61, (with K.Ishiguro and J.M.Moller)
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Topological realization of a family of pseudo reflection groups, Fund. Math. 155 (1998), 1-31
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Finite loop spaces with maximal tori, Trans. AMS 350 (1998), 3483-3504, (with J. Moller)
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A mod two analogue of a conjecture of Cooke, J. London Math. Soc. 55 (1997), 23-36, (with J. Aguade and C. Broto)
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Classifying spaces of compact Lie groups and finite loop spaces, Handbook of Algebraic Topology, Editor: I.James, North Holland 1995, 1049-1094.
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On the functor'Classifying space' for compact Lie groups, J. London Math. Soc 52 (1995), 185-198
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p-adic lattices of pseudo reflection groups, Proceedings of the Barcelona Conference 1994, Algebraic Topology: New trends in localization and periodicity, ed.: C.Broto, C.Casacuberta and G.Mislin, 337-352
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Centers and finite coverings of finite loop spaces, J. reine und angew. Math. 456 (1994), 99-133, (with J. Moller)
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(with K. Ishiguro) Fibrations of classifying spaces, Trans. AMS 343 (1994), 391-416, (with K. Ishiguro)
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Kernels of maps between classifying spaces, Israel J. of Math. 87 (1994), 243-256
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Homotopy classification of some spaces with interesting cohomology and a conjecture of Cooke Part I, Topology 33 (1993), 455-492, (with J. Aguade and C. Broto)
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Homotopy uniqueness of classifying spaces of compact connected Lie groups at primes dividing the order of the Weyl group, Topology 33 (1993), 271-330
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Mapping spaces of compact Lie groups and p-completion, Proc. AMS 117 (1993), 251-258, (with D. Blanc)

Maps between classifying spaces and applications, J. Pure and Applied Algebra 89 (1993), 273-294
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Fake Lie groups and maximal tori IV, Math. Ann. 294 (1992), 109-116
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Elementary abelian p-subgroups of Lie groups, Publ. RIMS Kyoto 27 (1991), 151-171, (with R. Kane)

Fake Lie groups and maximal tori III, Math. Ann. 209 (1991), 629-642, (with L. Smith)

Maps between classifying spaces, Math. Z. 207 (1991), 153-168

Fake Lie groups and maximal tori II, Math. Ann. 288 (1990), 661-673, (with L. Smith)

Fake Lie groups and maximal tori I, Math. Ann. 288 (1990), 637-661, (with L. Smith)

The rational homology of the space of homotopy equivalences of a flag manifold, Proceedings of the Algebraic Topology Conference Barcelona 1990, SLNM 1509, 301-312, (with L. Smith)

The fixed-point conjecture for p-toral groups , Proceedings of the Algebraic Topology Conference G\"ottingen 1987, SLNM 1361, 253-261

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Last modified: 17 March, 2004